
We invite you to join our tour

We invite you to join our walking tour of our organically farmed vineyards and winery inside century-old caves.

We found the earliest reference to our wine caves in the Viticulturist of July 8, 1889: “..Mr. Grimm is now engaged in driving two tunnels 10 x 100 feet into the mountain side for a cellar, where he intends to store and age his wines.” At a later date a third cave was added and the three connected across the back. A round room was dug out between the center and the right hand cave, which the winery used as a riddling room in sparkling wine production. Nowadays, visitors are invited to taste Storybook Mountain wines in these unique surroundings.

The rock into which the caves were dug is rhyolite, volcanic in origin. The temperature in the caves is between 55 and 60 degrees F, winter through summer, with high humidity, making an ideal environment for barrel aging without energy consumption.

Storybook Mountain presently ages its wines in about 400 French,American and Hungarian oak barrels tucked away in these caves
